He is going into a big boy bed on Thursday because he keeps climbing in and out of his crib and I just hope we can make it to Thursday without injury and then we will be good!
He is going into a big boy bed on Thursday because he keeps climbing in and out of his crib and I just hope we can make it to Thursday without injury and then we will be good!
What other way is there to enjoy your cake and ice cream?
"Life begins each morning....
each morning is the open door to a new world-
new vistas, new aims, new tryings."
-Leigh Hodges
The scary growling face!
Calleigh's looks funny in this picture and she was so sweaty and yuck....but still cute!
Their wood fired pizza is SOOOO yummy!
The Strawberries and Cream Smoothie was a HUGE hit with Riley!
It was a great day and we are happy that it was a great summer morning, since we have had so few. Days like this make me fall more and more in love with my hubby. Just watching him with the kids and seeing how much fun we are all having!
Maddi eating meatballs with her Mimi
Today was Cooper's 2nd birthday, he was enjoying some yummy food with Michael.
Isn't she just too cute for words!!
Aiden and Riley in the shoes.
Calleigh spent most of her time at the counter eating.
Maddi and her Mimi.
She was waiting patiently for cake I think!
Calleigh...once again eating!
I hope you had a good day Maddi, we enjoyed spending time with you today!