Thursday, February 12, 2009

Aiden and Calleigh at school

So I am going to combine these two posts into one.
We will start with Aiden. Aiden has been having a tough time at school. He loves going and is very excited about school, but he is having a hard time with both learning and interacting with his peers. He has not been very nice to his friends and he gets very frustrated very easily. He has been in language lab to help him with his writing and recognition of letters. He has made great improvements and he is continuing to do better in those areas. The language lab is supposed to be a 6 week course. He is done with the first 6 weeks, but now will go through another 6 week round of support to help him maintain what he has learned. I feel so bad. For me learning came easy so it is very hard for me to watch him struggle so much, both academically and socially. We have had to do the Achenbach testing twice now. It is a behavioral/academic checklist that helps them distinguish many different things. We did it last winter and we just did it again. He has a doctor's appointment on Tuesday to discuss everything going on at school as well as why he is so tired all the time. As much as Aiden is all over the place and hyper he goes from that to being exhausted very quickly. He can be crazy one minute and then the next you can see it in his eyes and his face how tired he is. Wesley is convinced he has Lyme Disease. I am not convinced it is anything too serious....maybe just hoping it is not. We will have more answers on Tuesday.
Now Miss Calleigh's turn. I never thought I would say these three year old daughter has been banished! Just kidding...sort of. Calleigh has started going to school two days a week now. She was going on Wednesdays and Thursdays so that the days would be back to back and she would get the most out of it. I was asked to switch her to a different day other than Thursday and not on Tuesday either because there is another child there that she feels like she has to "mother". It is someone we knew before she started going to school there and they had played together before. I guess she follows him around and picks up for him and is constantly taking care of him and doing things for him. They said her switching days was more for her benefit so that she does not feel like she has to do that for the other child. So I guess she isn't really banished...just moved around for her own good. I still don't know yet if I find it concerning or funny!

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