Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Moment by moment

I cannot believe that it is so close to the end of May already. Before we know it the leaves will be changing and the snow will start to blanket the hills. I am hoping to enjoy every moment of summer this year. The kids are growing up so quickly and I feel like I barely get used to one thing before they change and do something else or something new. I love the age span that our kids are. Aiden and Calleigh are 30 months apart and Riley and Calleigh are 22 months apart. Sometimes I enjoy that once one of my kiddos moves out of a stage I have another one right behind them getting into the same thing. However, sometimes....not so much!
Take right now for example. Calleigh is *slowly* coming out of the the whiney, cranky, crabby, temper tantrum stage. Now it's Riley's turn. His favorite word is no, his favorite thing to do if he does not get his way is to throw himself backwards onto the ground and stiffen up. But our current winner of the day is still the screeching. No not screaming, or even yelling. Those I think I would be able to ignore....this is a screech so high pitched and so ear piercing that it drives dogs crazy. As much as those things drive me crazy, I love the looks he gives. I love the smiles through the pacifier and the whole arm wave when he says "hi". I love the way he runs, when his little legs get going too fast for his body and he can't stop, but laughs hysterically because he can't take it. I love the way he gets when he has had enough and just wants to sit with me. He snuggles right into my seems amazing how your arms are made to hold little ones. They always seem to fit perfectly right when you or they need it.
Same goes for Calleigh. As much as she loves to drive me nuts and she seems to have a stash of food somewhere that I have yet to be able to find...I wouldn't change one thing about her personality. I mean it, Calleigh seems to find food and have it at all times. She is a huge fan of gum! I have gum that I have been trying to chew instead of snacking, one day I realized there was a whole pack of it missing. I went in search (because I knew who probably took it). I looked in Calleigh's room and sure enough, she had it inside of her pillowcase in her room, along with a cereal bar and four markers. I thought the mural that she has so lovingly drawn all over her wall had grown. The good scissors so there wouldn't have been anymore haircuts al a Aiden! Calleigh is growing into such an amazing little girl. She is definitely not a girly girl, but she has her moments (I am not a girly girl by any means). She has the sweetest grin and is one of the most compassionate three year olds I have ever met. She is always looking out for everyone and wants to make sure they are okay. I love how she wants to cuddle and sing songs with me. That is our favorite thing to do together. You are my Sunshine is her favorite thing to sing to me and for me to sing to her. My grandmother used to sing it to me. Funny how things work out that way.
I cannot believe Aiden is six years old. He continues to surprise us each and every day. As many challanges as we have had with him, there are just as many wonderful things to go along with it. He is so creative. He loves to put things together and work things out in his mind. He has a hard time with reading and writing but that never stops him from making us notes and pictures and cards, just to say he loves us. He is passionate about everything he does, good and bad. If he loves something or likes to do it, then he does it 100% and goes for it all the way. On the flip side if it is something he dislikes, even a little bit, he will not budge or even try it. He is working hard in school and loves going, even though he does find it challanging. I think that is why we have a hard time with him focusing and calming down at home. He has tried so hard to get through the day that way that when he gets home he has to let it all out. He has to keep moving and be all over the place. I can't say I blame him. If I had to use so much energy to make it through the day I would want to let loose at the end of the day. Aiden is also a very caring person. He loves to snuggle and sit...which is getting more difficult as he grows! He is *almost* too big to snuggle quite so much. I say almost because I don't think I could ever turn away a snuggle from my biggest boy, no matter how much he grows. I also know there will be one day where he doesn't want to sit with me, or snuggle and watch a movie. I already am missing those days.
All in all I guess I am just having a (post) nostalgic day. I am taking a glance at our life the way it is now and realizing how much has already changed and how much is going to change. Wes is almost done school, we are trying to move forward and get past the last two years. They have been tough ones, but they have changed us in a way that will always make us look forward to the future and changes that may come our way, good or bad. Taking it day by day and enjoying it moment by moment.

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