Friday, July 3, 2009

The Fourth of July and what does that mean?

I am sitting here with a thought today. My six year old asked me a question, imagine that....a six year old with a question. The question was "Why is the fourth of July so special Mommy? Why do we have so much fun and special stuff?". I started to speak, but then stopped. I was going to give my standard "historical" explanation and reasoning as to why we celebrate the day and what makes it so important. Instead I asked him why he thought the day was so special and what it meant to him. The following made tears well up in my eyes and a pride swell that I didn't think could have gotten any bigger. We do have so much to be thankful for and no matter where we are at in history (because it is all truly history from the moment that it passes you by) we are making a difference by what we do or don't do. Of course Aiden's description isn't "historically accurate". However, it was heartfelt, true and prideful. Three things that I think people do take for granted as we live each day. Things change so rapidly and remembering to look back at how we got where we are is so important on weekends like this. I love the BBQ's and the family time and just the general camaraderie that seems to appear after lacking in the day to day grind, but Aiden's description has brought me back to celebrating the essence of the day and not just the food and family and friends. I thought coming from a six year old the following was so eloquent and more truer words couldn't have been anyone.
"Mommy, I think that we have a special day for all of us. I think that we have to celebrate why we can live in America. You know, for all the people that fight in the war; the soldier people; and the cops and fire people and ambulance people that help us be safe and let us do the things we want to do. I like it when we can have the flags on the poles and it looks really nice Mommy." Then he paused and looked out the window for a moment and then turns around and said
"Isn't America great Mommy". I very softly said "Yes Aiden, it is great."

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