Sunday, December 13, 2009


Although in the last two years I have come to expect the unexpected, somehow I am still never prepared when things seem to go awry.
I had a really great day on Friday. I got a lot accomplished, had a nice dinner with My Mom, the kids and my aunt and we went shopping. It was our normal Friday night routine. I was expecting to have a really great weekend. Saturday Wesley was going to be here with the kids after work and I was going to get a break away from the house. Then today we were going to get out Christmas tree with my Mom and decorate it.
Well nothing went as planned. Wesley was almost 3 hours late getting here because he was killing a cow with some friends and I guess it had to be done yesterday. SO I did not get to leave until almost 5 to get out of the house. At that point I was irritated but determined not to let it get in the way of a good night. I picked up Tina and went with her to pick up Calleigh's Christmas present and do a little more shopping. I did end up finishing my Christmas shopping for the kids and Tina got some shopping done for them as well. Today the kids wanted to watch a movie that Wes had bought them, but out of 4 DVD players, none would work for some reason. Did I mention my horrible luck with electronics? SO I decided we would make some paper snowflakes and have Hot Chocolate. That didn't happen either.
I got a call from my sister saying that my Mom had been taken by ambulance from the Price Chopper in Essex. So I immediatly made some phone calls and found Brenda to bring the kids to her so I could make my way to the hospital. My mom was having these problems with her entire body where she would get all tingly from head to toe and get basically unresponsive and glazed over. At first they thought she may have had a blood clot around her heart somewhere, but it turns out there is something wrong with her pancreas and they ended up sending her home. She has to do some follow up this week but hopefully things will get somewhat better soon.
Then I got back here with the kids just around dinnertime and man were they cranky! No nap and lots of running around with Jake and Cooper at Brenda's house. So we had a quick dinner and they went to bed early.
No, the weekend has not gone as expected, but the week will bring new opportunities and I'm sure new challanges as well, but we will get through them all and all with a smile on our face.

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