Friday, January 8, 2010

Updates on Miss Calleigh

Calleigh is a ball full of life and loves every minute of it! For a while now we have been watching her behaviors and her demeanor to rule out the possibility of ADHD. She has a very impulsive and hyperactive lifestyle and sometimes it can be very overwhelming (for her and everyone else), she has a very hard time controlling herself and her actions. So finally this past week she was diagnosed officially with ADHD. I have decided to try the medication route and see if that can help her function and be a productive part of society. I love her personality and her strong capabilities. However, it has gotten in the way of even everyday activities such as eating dinner or even just reading a (very) short story. Hopefully with this diagnosis she will be able to get the help she needs to focus and control herself. She is sleeping much better since being on her other medication, but that has also made her impulsivity and her hyperactivity much much more noticeable during the day!
Sometimes I wonder if I am making the right decision having her on these medications but if it can make her a healthy, happy little girl than I am willing to give it a go and try it out.
She also had her vision appointment this past week. I was exactly her age when I got my first pair of glasses and her father was young as well. I have noticed she has had a hard time now that she is attempting to write and interact that she seemed to be having a harder time seeing things farther away. So we went to have it checked out. Turns out she has an astigmatism in both eyes, but her right eye is much worse than her left eye. She basically cannot see out of her right eye because things are blurry so she ignores it and tries not to use that eye, it basically starts to become a 'lazy eye'. So she will have to wear glasses all the time to help her see better and to help re-train her right eye to see better. We went to the store to check out a few pair and she found a pink pair that she fell in love with! There was no way we were leaving without ordering those glasses. They are called smokey rose. She was very upset though when she realized she could not take the frames that were out on display with her. We had a bit of a meltdown but once the woman explained that they were going to be making a special pair just for her, Calleigh felt much better. She does ask almost every hour though when her glasses will be ready!

1 comment:

  1. I hope the meds help! I'm so glad she's sleeping better at night because of them.
