Monday, March 9, 2009

Aiden and Calleigh catch up

Once again it has been a while. We made it through school break! Barely. It was pretty close to "pull your hair out" moods around here...and not just me. I think the kiddos were at that point as well!
We went to Aiden's appointment with Danielle D'amico at Fletcher Allen. She is a really nice woman and she specializes in Trauma, Loss and attachment. The first appointment is just Wesley and I and we went over everything that has happened with Aiden's behavior and in the past year. Time ran over so I have to go back tomorrow and speak with her myself and finish up our initial interview. Then next Tuesday Aiden will go back the following Tuesday to meet with her and *hopefully* talk to her. Wes and I have to be at that appoinment as well because towards the end she will bring us in and have us interact with Aiden and then the final appt in this beginning process is that Wesley and I go back to see if this is the direction we go or to look in another area. One of the things she mentioned is that he could have an under-lying attention issue and this trauma could have pronounced it even more. I have a feeling that may be the road to head down, as much as I don't want him to be labeled it seems to me to fit the let me just show you my medical license up on the wall. lol! I just hope that no matter what happens we get some kind of help/answers. We are kind of at the end of what we can do!
So another Calleigh story is lurking around the corner. Actually a few! The first one happens when Calleigh was left alone in her room with the gate up because I needed to take a shower and it could not wait any longer! I wish I had my camera handy because I laughed so hard for a good ten minutes. I took a very very quick shower and when I get out I hear her singing in her room. I quietly walk up to he door to watch for a few minutes. What I find standing there will be one of the greatest moments. Calleigh was standing on her mattres (which is on the floor until a twin bed can be located!). Let me try to paint the picture of the girl standing there.
Calleigh went into her room with her blonde hair brushed and down. She had on a cute blue long sleeve shirt and some jeans that had some cute embroidered flowers on it and white socks.
The girl standing in fron of me had 17 clips in her hair and two pony holders intertwined throughout the "nest". She had found a red and blue marker....which I swear I DID take out of the room but she has spots that are the greatest hiding spots and I must find them before she is a teenager! She had put on the red "lipstick" from her chin to her nose and from ear to ear. She had also so beautifully put on the blue "eye makeup" ALL around her eyes. When I say all around...I mean a good 4 inches all the way around the eye. Her face kind of looked like those creepy clowns they use in horror films....but not so creepy. She had changed into pink tights with white flowers on them, one blue sock, one pink sock, a yellow tank top and had a green short sleeve shirt as her skirt. She was singing her own made up song.
The picture will forever be one of my favorites and most cherished ones of her...I only wish I had my camera here with me to take a picture to share with everyone. I am amazed she did all of this in a span of maybe 10 minutes!
The other story has to do with our chickens that are now wondering around the front yard. Calleigh has a strange aversion to these animals. I believe it is because she was attacked by our goose last summer (the goose was gone that day). Anyway...we were headed out to the car and Calleigh was walking in front of me. I did not know the birds were by the door because I could not see them over the wall. Calleigh all of a sudden starts freaking out and runs back into the house. She does not know how to lock the door but must have turned the button the right way as she was shutting the door. To my horror the door was locked and I was not on the inside! I quickly buckled Riley into his car seat and went back to the door hoping she would just turn the knob and it would open. I get to the door....still locked. I calmly and sweetly ask Calleigh to open the door because Mommy has to go potty. That did not work. I told her I needed to get my money. That did not work. I tried several other excuses and that did not work. I finally tried bribing her and THAT did not even work! I did not have the house key on the car keys...they are now. I finally tried the front door, which I knew was locked...but tried anyway. The entire time I am doing this and thinking that Calleigh is close to the door. I go around to the front of the house and Calleigh is standing at the big window by the driveway giggling. I gave her the "mean mommy look" and pointed to the door. I walked over there and it was open. I think she knew I meant business. We had a discussion on our drive that the chickens were not going to hurt her, she can't shut the door if Mommy is not in there with her...and so on and so on. Scared me half to death.
I am going to be doing other posts today too so I will stop here!

1 comment:

  1. Would have love to seen Miss Calleigh all done up! Hopefully it wasn't a permanent marker so it came out easily! Maddi got ahold of a Sharpie the other day and thankfully it came off in the shower.
