Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Emergency Room, Round 1 I am sure.

So, here we are. The morning after "it" happened.
Calleigh's first emergency room visit.
We knew it would come.
We know this may be the first, but will probably not be the last.
We always have said she would be the first with stitches and broken bones.
And so the story goes.
Last night we were baking chocolate chip cookie bars and banana bread. We got a late start and Mommy did not realize that it was after 6 already. So I gave in and grabbed two cans of Beefaroni out of the cabinet and sat the three kiddos down to eat. Anyone that is a Mom will know that potty breaks for Mommy are a few and far between thing. It is generally spent with children in and out of the bathroom and constant interupption. I thought I had a minute while they were gorging down there dinner to go potty...and I really had to go! (Sorry if this is too much info and yes I do realize I am using the word "potty"). I went into the bathroom, leaving the door open of course and I no sooner sat down when I hear the pounding of two pairs of feet heading up the stairs. I immediatly yelled for the two of them to come back down and sit back at the table. I was just barely finishing the sentence when I hear a very loud thud and the shrill screaming of a three year old girl. As I am coming out of the bathroom I hear Aiden come flying down the stairs saying Calleigh hit her head. When I asked him if she was bleeding he said no and turned around. Calleigh was coming down the stairs at this point and was right around the corner in the living room. I could not see her yet at this point. When Aiden turned around he immediatly, in a very panicky tone, starts saying: "oh yes, oh yes...she is bleeding, her head is bleeding".
And then Calleigh rounds the corner. What I saw made my heart immediatly went into my stomach and fear went through my head. Her forehead was gushing blood and the entire side of her head and face and both hands were covered in blood. This entire situation happened within mere minutes, maybe three minute. I barely even remember picking up the phone and calling my mom. I do not remember actually speaking to her but she showed up at my door. I also realized that I would need someone to come to he ER with me so I called my sister and she sat with the kids and tried to find my husband who, of all nights, was working at his internship and then had a Mason's meeting in town. We made it to the ER and Daddy came in not too much later.
We got triaged and sat in the waiting room for about 45 minutes before I went in and said okay, we need to get her checked out here. She was no longer gushing blood, but it was still really bad. They brought us back and she was checked out. At this point Calleigh was in a pretty good mood and was chatting away with anyone that would listen. As long as we did not move the cloth that was on her head she was content. The doctor comes in, he was amazing with her. They tell us they will be giving her Ketamine to knock her out while they stitch it together and check it out. This involved a shot. Not a favorite thing of Calleigh's. They come back in all set to knock her out and she at this point has no clue what is going on until she sees the shot. She starts flipping out. They had asked Daddy and Nana to leave the room so it was just the nurse (a very patient, understanding, laid back, guy) holding her down to give her the shot. She moved even though we had a really good grip on her, so she has a nice bruise on her thigh from the shot. They give her the shot and she slowly starts to calm down. Here comes the freaky part. Her eyes stayed open! They neglected to tell me they would STAY open while they were doing this. She looked like a zombie. But it was fairly quick and they sewed her up. SHe had a lot of sub dermal stitches and 10 facial stitches. The problem was that at this point it was almost 10. She slipped right from being sedated into a very heavy snoring sleep. They want them to wake up, open their eyes and at least say one thing before they will discharge them. Calleigh was exhausted. So we let her sleep for about 30/40 minutes and then tried to wake her. That is when we noticed her face was slightly puffy and was turning red. So the nurse guy came back in and took vitals and temp again. She was doing great just a minor reaction, so we would have to stay a little longer. We tried to wake her again around 11:30 and she did open her eyes and said a mumble of something. So we were discharged and went home. When we finally got home is when Calleigh woke up and was re-telling the story over and over again. We let her sleep in our bed with us and Riley and Aiden had gone to Nama and Papa's house overnight because it was so late. Mommy did not sleep pretty much at all and Calleigh would wake up crying a few times. She did end up sleeping until 10 this morning which was nice, even though I could not sleep. She is doing pretty good this morning and has been spoiled a little. I am just happy she is okay. I am going to take a picture later tonight and post it to show her battle scar.

1 comment:

  1. OMG - I am in tears for you! I know exactly what you mean about trying to use the bathroom - you get no privacy. It's crazy what can happen in 3 minutes!! I hope you're both doing ok - that's a rough thing to go through! ((Hugs))
