Monday, July 13, 2009

Quick update!

It has been a while since I have written anything. Almost too long.
Things have been very busy here and we have also been just trying to enjoy spending our time together as a family. Almost getting to know each other again.
The weather here has been very gray and rainy and it just makes you feel so blah. You can only do so much in the house and with limited resources we cannot go many places or do much outside of the house either. So the kids have been climbing the walls and itching to get out and do things. They are also very excited about Daddy being home more, although they don't always show it to him.
I think Wesley finds it frustrating, as would I. To be excited to be home and to just want to have that time with them and then they argue and fight and do the exact opposite of what you would like them to do. Yes, I know that is what kids do and that we have many many more years of the same kind of thing ahead of us. However, we would like to have just one day where all three kids are happy and cooperating with us. LOL!
We have Riley's tube/adenoid surgery coming up a week from today and I am more nervous about it this time around. When he had it done a year ago he didn't really know what was going on and he went in with the nurse without any problem. This time I will be going into the OR with him to hold him while they put him under. Mainly because he is much more attached to me now and I cannot even leave the kitchen without him looking for me. I am fully prepared that it will be very tough to be holding him while they give him the anesthesia, but I would rather be there and know he is okay than out in the waiting room and worrying. I have to leave as soon as he goes under, but it is a very quick procedure and he won't be there long. With all that we have been through with him I think (and hope) I can handle it!
Aiden and Calleigh are doing great. Aiden is enjoying the summer (at least the joke of a summer we are having), but he asks me almost every day when he starts school again. He loves being in school and I and SO thankful for that. He has been doing many projects and keeping a journal this summer. He is such a creative child and makes things out of thin air and don't always make sense to me but they do to him and he has fun. He has caught many many bugs/animals. He has had a toad, a newt, a caterpillar that turned itself into a cocoon and most recently a really ugly beetle that has to stay in the garage or breezeway because I am petrified of it making its way out of it's cage in the house!
Calleigh is having a tough couple of weeks. Her new nickname has become Miss Attitude. She is (or thinks she is) quite the boss lately. She even thinks she can boss me around. She is oh so mistaken on that note. Her school has been closed since the 3rd of July so she has not been able to be around all of her friends or get a break from all of us! She goes back Wednesday though and I know it sounds horrible to say, but Mommy is happy :)
Wes has been on the job hunt like I said. It has been difficult, but he is still on the search. There are not many advertised in VT, but there are several out of state. We have contemplated it. I just love having him home more and seeing him happy knowing that he will soon be doing what he worked so hard for.
So that is my update for now. I hope to get my camera back from my Mom soon and write some more and keep more updated.

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