Friday, July 31, 2009

What a rough day.

My Mom called me this morning to let me know that she was bringing my Dad into the Emergency Room. She told me last night that he had been having some problems over the past few days where he would be walking and then feel weak, dizzy and start sweating and have chest pain. However, he is a very stubborn man and kept saying nothing was wrong. Finally this morning my mom convinced him to let her drive him into the ER. They got there and they of course took him right in once he said chest pain and within 30 minutes had an IV going and EKG done. They then said that it looked like he did have a heart attack and they were going to do Catheterization to see what was going on, what happened and where to go from there. They brought him to the Cath Lab around 2 to start the test. This is the point that I went to Waterbury to get my sister from work (she did not know he was there yet) and we arrived at the hospital as they were finishing the test (Thanks to Tom, Sue, Linds and everybody for helping with the kids!). The Doctor came out and let us know the results. They weren't too good.
When they did the Catheterization they found that all three arteries going into the heart had blockage. One was 90%, one was 80% and one was 60% blocked. They put two stints in the really blocked arteries and will try to use medication to help with the other blockage. It was not a small heart attack like they originally thought. His heart has suffered 15% permanent damage and he is going to have to do Cardiac Rehab. The only reason they did not do Bypass surgery was because you can only do it once and he is still young (53) so if they do it now and things don't improve he can't have it done again. Whereas if they do the stints combined with meds and life changes they may be able to control it for a little while longer and they could always go back and do bypass if nothing changes or gets better.
Once he was up in his room he seemed to be doing okay. I think this might be the wake up call he (and maybe some others) needed to change things and make healthier choices for himself. It has been a tough few years and this just added to it! He will stay in the hospital until Sunday Morning at least. They want to make sure everything is going okay and they started him on 4 new medications so they want to see how he does on those before they let him go home. He of course was ready to leave there as soon as he left the Cath Lab.
I am now just waiting for my hubby to get home from work so I can hug him and tell him how much I love him and appreciate him. Then off to bed and here's hoping tomorrow's nice weather brings a better day.

1 comment:

  1. How scary!! I hope your dad is feeling better soon! My prayers are with your family
