Monday, August 17, 2009

Busy week!

What a crazy weekend. It is very hot here right now. It has been in the 80's for several days and even got over 90 today! We have just been trying to take it easy with the heat. Saturday night Aiden spent the night at Uncle Nathan and Aunt Dawn's house and he had sooo much fun! They went out on the boat all day Sunday and they went to the Sandbar and played and splashed and Aiden was trying to learn how to swim in the lake (life jacket of course!). He has been wanting to spend the night at their house for a while now and we had some stuff going on so it was the perfect opportunity for him to go. Calleigh also spent the night at My Aunt's house and she had a lot of fun! They did girly things and watched movies and she was very tired the next day! All in all it was an exhausting weekend and we have a long week ahead of us.
I had a job interview toaday for a part time position at a Child care center in South Burlington called Giggles. I would basically be able to make my own hours which will be great with school starting. I am just hesitant because I don't know if I truly want to get back into child care. I have a lot going on with the day to day with my own kids, I don't know if I have the stamina and energy to run around after 12 other kids right now! I am willing to go for it though if I get the position and see how things work out. I am also looking into a few "mindless" jobs. You know the kind where I can go in and do what I need to do and go home. By mindless I don't mean it wouldn't be hard work or I wouldn't be using my brain. It would just be a change of pace and something new. I think I need that right now.
I have a doctors appt on Friday for my hands. I am nervous about it because I have been in a lot of pain day in and day out (even worse in the heat). I have to figure something out, I can barely even carry a pot full of water from the stove to the sink, and we are only talking 3 feet, without my wrists throbbing and giving out on me. It sucks....a lot. Hopefully they will have a plan and I can start feeling better sooner rather than later.
Wesley also has his full certification now! He passed the last part of his testing and is now a fully certified Airframe and pawerplant technician! I am so proud of him for getting it done and I hope he can be happy too!
For now we are just taking it day by day and getting through.

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