Thursday, August 6, 2009

Family Day

Today was a really nice morning, sunny and not overly hot or muggy so we decided to go to the park in Richmond and have lunch at On The Rise Bakery. It was GREAT! The kids had a lot of fun running around and having Daddy there. This is maybe only the second time Daddy has been able to make it to the park with us. He plays outside at home with the kids, but it's not the same as "the" park. It really was a perfect day and I have lots of pictures to post so there will be quite a few! I was kind of annoying with the camera, but I wanted to really capture the day because we all had so much fun!
Riley kept trying to go on the big slide. It was a little intimidating for him, but he has NO fear!
Aiden was very proud that he could make it all the way across the monkey bars without falling off.
This was as far as Calleigh made it.
Then of course Riley wanted to try the zip line thing. So Daddy lent a helping hand.
Daddy and Calleigh playing peek-a-boo. He peeked...but she got the boo!
Riley kept trying to climb hrough the holes to get to Daddy.
It was getting to be lunchtime so we walked over to On The Rise and had some lunch.

Their wood fired pizza is SOOOO yummy!

The Strawberries and Cream Smoothie was a HUGE hit with Riley!

It was a great day and we are happy that it was a great summer morning, since we have had so few. Days like this make me fall more and more in love with my hubby. Just watching him with the kids and seeing how much fun we are all having!

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