Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Little Man!

Two years ago today my baby was born. Riley came into this world early in the morning after a very long night. I was induced around 6 the night before and had an epidural when I was 4cm along. They broke my water not too long after that and once they broke my water Riley's heart rate dipped way way down. I was very nervous because Wes had left the room to go get a coffee (it was very late!). His heart rate did not come back up so they had me on my knees and switching from side to side to try and move Riley around. They finally put fluid "back in" and his heart rate went back up. He was crushing the umbilical cord as he was coming out so it was making his heart go all wonky. They had me all prepped for an emergency c-section and everything. Wes came back in the room and didn't know what was going on! Everything finally calmed down and labor progressed, quickly. I went from 6-10cm in about an hour and in three pushes Riley was born. We did not find out what we were having so I was anxious to see if it was a boy or a girl (I truly thought I was having a girl!). I pushed Riley out and everyone was laughing and nobody was telling me if it was a boy or girl!! It took several minutes and me asking and finally they put Riley on my stomach and told me it was a boy......I was very surprised and very happy that he was healthy!
The last two years have been amazing to have Riley in our lives. He is a very intelligent and loves to laugh and play jokes on everyone. He thinks he is a very funny. He loves to play baseball and can throw it really far and actually hit the ball when you throw it at him. He loves to sit and read books and is very lovable. He will be riding in the car and say "Mommy" I will respond "Yes Riley" and he simply says "Love you". He is so amazing and I can't wait to see where he grows to from here.
We had his 2 year checkup this morning and he weighs 24.5 pounds and is 34 inches long. He only gained about 3/4 of a pound in 6 months! He is very active and eats all day long, but he just burns off all of it. He did finally get a little taller and is now in the 25th% for his age. He is still barely on the growth chart for weight!
Happy Birthday Riley, We Love you!

"Life begins each morning....

each morning is the open door to a new world-

new vistas, new aims, new tryings."

-Leigh Hodges

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