Friday, January 1, 2010

New year, new goals

Well the new year is officially here. Time for change, time for growth and time for new goals. Will I meet all of these goals, who knows. Will I try with all I have to meet these goals, absolutely.
My first goal is to continue to rediscover myself. I have learned a lot about myself over the past few months and I hope to nurture it and discover more.
Number well a bit harder. I set this goal last year and needless to say I did not meet it with all that went on I kind of got side tracked (excuses, excuses). I want to lose 50 pounds by my birthday (August). I have been on the right track and I have lost a little bit of weight, but not nearly enough. I want to feel good about myself inside and out. I'm working on the inside, so now to start on the outside.
Number three. I want to get better about writing cards and Thank you notes. I really suck at it. I know this and I know I should be better at it. I have a lot to be thankful for with three kids and a lot of people that love them and want to share their love with them. I have started on the right track with this and I hope I can continue it throughout the year.
Number four. To keep the house at least picked up. Notice I do not say clean. I have three kids under the age of house will not be completely clean for some time. I am going to try and keep things better organized and easier to just go through in ten minutes and quickly pick up and put stuff away. I am hoping to start with this goal on Monday when all three go back to school. Then I can go through and sort and organize and clean without them here and start the year off on the right foot.
Number five. To take a 'family' picture every month. I want to take a picture of at least the three kids once a month. Hopefully I can take one with me in it too, but I will settle for one of the three of them. I realized I take a lot of pictures of the kids, but I want something where I can really see how much they have grown over the year. Time goes by so fast that I want something to look back on and see the growth and the love throughout the year.

So there are my five goals for the year. I could have more or less, but I think five is a good number. I don't think that they are overly ambitious or under ambitious either. Here's to a better year and lots of hope.

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