Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fair fun!

Yesterday we decided to go celebrate the first day of school with a trip to the fair (not to mention save a few bucks because admission is $4 cheaper if you go after 6pm M-Th). We usually spend all of our time with the animals and barely even go over to the ride and game side. Thankfully the kids are more interested in the animals than the other stuff! We did go over and play Fat Albert, the rat running quarter game. It's tradition and the kids each won their own prizes. Calleigh got a really cute bear wearing a pink Boston Red Sox shirt and hat! Aiden got a cheetah and Riley got a cow (no surprise there!). Then we did one of the squirt gun water games and Aiden won a tiger (and no we were not the only people playing!). And of course, no fair experience is complete without throwing the ping pong balls to try and get a fish. And of course we didn't think anyone would actually get a fish and Calleigh gets the ball into a bowl with a fish in it on the first throw......the thing went *plunk* right in! It was a great family experience and a great way to celebrate the first day of school!

This is the way the night ended, with them holding hands and truly enjoying each other's company. It made me tear up to see them holding hands un-prompted. Love it.

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