Wednesday, September 2, 2009

First day of First Grade!

Today was the first day of first grade for Aiden. He was very very excited!!! We all brought him to school this morning. Daddy, Mommy, Calleigh and Riley and Aiden got to school and walked the walk down the hall to meet his new teacher Mrs. Robinson. I was floored when I realized that she graduated high school the year AFTER I did. I thought for sure I had a couple of years before that happened. I was already feeling old for having a big first grader and that just hit it home for me! lol! I didn't shed a tear until I got into the car and went to remind Aiden to buckle up so we could go and I realized I was talking to no one! I felt a bit silly as a tear rolled down my cheek...........
All was not lost though and I was so relieved when Aiden got home and I went out to meet him getting off the bus and he ran, not just walked quickly or happily skipped across the driveway....but ran into my arms and gave me a HUGE hug and stated "It was awesome Mom, I had SO much fun!". Just knowing he was excited and happy and made it home in one piece made me very happy and the day went by so much faster than I thought it would!

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