Monday, September 28, 2009

It's been a while!

It has been quite a while since I have written anything, but it has been pretty crazy here. Well chaotic I guess.
Aiden has been loving school and he is doing soccer right now. He LOVES playing soccer. I hope to get pictures up once I get my computer back up and running. I am borrowing my mom's computer while I wait for yet another power cord! This time it wasn't my fault...I swear. It just stopped working and makes this beeping sound when you plug it in. I have the worst luck with power cords. Luckily it was still under warranty.
I have lots of pictures from different things that I want to get put up but can't until I get my computer back!
Right now sickness has hit the Carpenter house in full force. Calleigh started with this nasty cold with a cough and runny nose and was complaining about her ears. She had an ear infection. Then Aiden came home from school and was complaining about a headache and he was stuffy and had a bad cough. The school was concerned about it being this H1N1 Flu, and even the doctor's office said they were sure that was what he had....I wasn't convinced. The doctor said they don't even bother testing for it anymore. The next day he was really complaining about his throat and his head again and was coughing a lot. So I decided to bring him to the doctor on Saturday and they discovered it was not the H1N1 but it was strep throat. Poor guy had a really nasty throat. The doctor looked in his throat and just said..."does he take chewable or liquid medicine". They still did the strep test (which Aiden was less than thrilled about) and it came up positive. So he has been trying to rest and get better.
Riley has had the same cough and cold for a while and until Saturday night did not have a fever and his cough kept getting worse and worse. So today I brought him in thinking he probably had strep as well. To my surprise he did not have strep but had an ear infection! Another one. I was so frustrated because I thought the purpose of having the second round of tubes and having his adenoids out was to avoid more ear infections. This does not bode well for the fact that they said taking his tonsils out was the next step. Ugh, I hope to avoid that.
I am doing okay, just dealing with Life and all that it throws at me. Trying to keep busy and be creative with my time. I have picked sewing back up and I am attempting to make a bag and a hat. I am also crocheting Calleigh's blanket but I can only do little bits at a time because it hurts my hands too much. I am learning how to crochet hats. I am excited to make some for the kids this winter. I have also been cleaning a lot. Re-organizing and re-arranging things. Lots of stuff to take care of and I am so sick of the clutter!
I hope to post pics soon of the kids and all the projects I have been working on!

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