Saturday, April 24, 2010


Things have been super crazy around here right now! I have recently started back at work again. It is definitely not the job of my dreams but it gets me back out in the world and brings in some money. It is at The Home Depot. I have been doing mostly computer training so far but got to actually be out on the register on Friday. I am still pretty stressed out about how it will affect the kids. I have been their consistent caregiver for the past three years. Childcare is too expensive and I am not sure how long I will be able to continue working and make it worth it, especially once summer hits and Aiden is out of school I will not be able to afford full time care for all three kids. However, for now, it is fun and a great way to "get back out into the world". The weather has been all over the place from nice and warm to cold and rainy. We have been outside as much as possible! Aiden has also started baseball for the season! He Loves to play baseball and he is really good at it. Hopefully the weather for the rest of the games/practices is better than it was for his first practice, it was windy and freezing.
So things are going okay, still kind of all over the place though! Hopefully I will get more chances to write.

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