Sunday, April 4, 2010


Today was such a crazy day! Poor Riley has had a fever that ranges from 101-104.7! He seems to be mostly fine, just a bit cranky. So we decided to only do Nama's (Wesley's mom) Easter egg hunt and have a little breakfast and then come home. So we got up, came downstairs at 5am to see what was in our Easter baskets. Aiden got some How to train your dragon stuff, he loved the movie! He also got some candy, outdoor stuff and some books. Calleigh got some more baby dolls, books and a new cup. Riley got some books, cars, a new cup and a few other small things. After that we got dressed (which was a HUGE battle) and went to Nama's house for breakfast and an egg hunt. There was A LOT of eggs scattered all over the place. We ended up with wayyyyy too much candy. The Easter bunny also visits Nama's house and brought some fun stuff for them there. It is hard because Aiden is getting to an age where he is starting to question the existance of such things as the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. Thankfully, even though I could tell he was suspicious, he kept his thoughts to himself and let Calleigh and Riley enjoy the day! I really tried to get "nice" pictures, but nobody was up to attempting it, so I just went with the flow and caught what I could. The kids looked adorable!
After we left there we came home and Wesley came up here to see the kids for a little bit before naps and he had to work. The kids went down for a nap and then Nana (my mom) came to visit us in the evening to bring some more goodies for the kids. She stayed and visited for a little while before it was time to settle down for the night. Poor Riley though is still not feeling so great, he cried for almost 45 minutes while trying to go to bed. He never does that. He always just gives me a hug and a kiss, rolls over and is asleep within 10 minutes. Hopefully some rest helps and he wakes up fever free!

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