Friday, April 30, 2010

wonder where she heard this one?

Today Calleigh was not feeling well and was very shaky so this afternoon I decided to take her into the Dr to get checked out because the shakiness was kind of disturbing. They did a strep test (negative) and tried to get a urine sample to test her sugar and for a UTI. They could not get the sample so we took a thing home to try and get one to bring there in the morning. We grabbed her stickers, she got two because of the strep test, and headed out. My Mom came with us and sat in the car with the boys while we were there, so we dropped her back at her car in Richmond. I start driving away and I can hear Calleigh getting more and more frustrated because she could not get the sticker off of the paper, then I hear it.
"These stickers are a bitch"
The water I was drinking immediately came spraying out of my nose and mouth as I had to slam on the brakes to stop myself from going off the road. I couldn't believe what I had just heard! That is a word I know I have not said in front of her....there may be some others that it would not surprise me if she said, but definitely not that one! She said it so simply and when I asked her what she said her response was this: "well Mom, the thing won't come off, it's not being very nice". I am still in somewhat of a shocked state that it came out of her mouth. I didn't even know how to reprimand or respond so I just told her she had to be 18 to say that word and to not say it again. Complete bull but she seemed to accept it and continued on by saying "I don't like these stickers because they are mean and won't come that better Mommy?"

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