Thursday, February 26, 2009


SO much going on right now. We are midway through school vacation and it has been good so far. Aiden and Calleigh spent the night at Nama and Papa's house Monday night at dinner time and they were very excited to stay there until Wednesday afternoon. They got to do all the fun crazy things that mean old Mommy won't let them do at home. I discovered they played "whack the weasel" with big blow up bats that are bigger than they are! They played this wonderful game up one set of stairs and down another. The ring leader of the game: Papa! Isn't it funny how grown men turn into little boys all over again when there are grandchildren around! I love hearing the crazy stories of them with Papa. Today will be a baking day once naptimes are over with. We are making chocolate chip cookies (shhhh....I'm trying to be good!), bluebery muffins, "O" krispies-rice Krispie treats with cheerios and strawberry flavored marshmallows instead of rice krispies, we are going to attempt to make banana bread as well. It will be interesting to see if we can make it all before dinner and daddy gets home!
We are having a problem with our upstairs bathroom. We think there may be a broken pipe under the tub because it leaks into the kitchen ceiling, but only after we take showers/baths! So that has to be taken care of before we have a major flood in the kitchen one of these days! The joys of being a homeowner.
I thought I had made a decision on the stroller, but I keep going back and forth. Such a big decision to just settle for something that you don't LOVE! I have it narrowed down to two choices and it really comes down to are two features worth the extra $150.00? They are key things though so we will have to see what I end up doing. I am SO indecisive and I think I just need a kick in the butt to make up my mind. I NEED a new stroller!
On another note. My house is a disaster area. I think if FEMA were to come into my home right now, they may actually declare it just that. There is a couch that has enough laundry mounded on it to maybe create Mt. Carpenter, the erupting volcano. We have toys just about over evey square inch of the living room right now, not to mention you cannot even see their bedroom floors upstairs because of the toys. I don't even bother to do the dishes until the end of the night because we are going through so many! I would be so embarrassed if anyone were to drop by for a visit! Oh well, the perils of school break.
It has been a busy time, but I am hoping to get pictures up here soon! Things will be interesting here in the next few weeks so we will keep everyone updated.

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