Thursday, February 5, 2009

Moments like this

Tonight was one of THOSE moments. The ones you wish you could just hold onto forever and never let go. The ones where you want to stop time and revel in it.
We have rare times in our household where we are all in one spot at the same time and there is not some kind of meltdown or event going on. Tonight everything just came into place. We have three places to sit in our living room. One rather large couch, a recliner and a loveseat. We were all piled onto the loveseat watching Alvin and the Chipmunks....a household favorite. Wesley and I were cuddled on the couch, Riley was snuggled in between us and Aiden and Calleigh were sitting next to us. Not a tear was shed, not a scream was heard. Just giggles and singing along to the music. I only wish someone could have taken a picture. We have yet to take a picture of all five of us. How horrble is that!?! We have a family picture when Calleigh was about 9 months old, but that was the last family shot. We have an appointment in the beginning of June with Melissa Brott to have portraits done.....hopefully! My Mom is the one that usually does our photos, but we wanted true professional ones done and Lindsey and Chris had theirs done there and they were beautiful! Anyway...back to the *moment*. It was so comforting and refreshing to have that time and I cannot wait until Wesley is done school and will hopefully be home much more than he is right now. We have been somewhat lucky because he has only been doing school and his main job and not the internship for a couple of weeks. Sucks money wise, but is nice family wise. He is still on 7 days a week though. It would be nice if he had one day off! He hasn't since New years and won't at least until memorial day. We are all pretty tired and stressed with it. Only until June though!
So that is my *moment* and I am going to bask in it until morning when the craziness of Friday rears it's ugly head! Then we head into the weekend and few school days until Winter break when we will have complete (and hopefully somewhat sane) chaos in our home!

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