Monday, February 23, 2009

It's been too long.

It has been so long since I have posted last! Things have been really crazy here. We are now on school vacation and I hate to say this but I already wish it were next Wednesday and school was back in session! I love love love spending time with my kids and doing all kinds of fun things with them. However, right now our favorite thing to do is constantly argue about things. Aiden and Calleigh were screaming at each other because they were using the same color marker to make a picture for Daddy. Everything seems to be an issue. He is too close to her, she is breathing too loud, she took my dog (favorite stuffed animal of the month), he has my blankie, and so on and so on! Today I couldn't take it anynmore and after close to an hour of trying different things and changing activities....I even tried a movie.....I sent Aiden upstairs to play and had Calleigh stay downstairs. It is so hard when school is out because we have our routines at home and Aiden has his routines at school and they are so opposite that it is hard for them to adjust. I never really thought we had such a routine at home, but I have come to realize that we do! It is a flexible one, but it is still a schedule. I hope that a break from the house will do them well. Aiden and Calleigh are going to spend the night at Nama's house and Riley and I are going stroller shopping! I am excited to actually get to see some of the strollers I have been researching. I have become very interested int the Tike Trek 360. One website compared it to the BOB duallie, but we will see!
Aiden had his doctor's appointment last Tuesday and it went okay. He of course did not want to discuss anything with the doctor so it was just me trying to hash it out with Dr. Gerson. We have decided to have Aiden see a counselor that specializes in loss, trauma and attachment. It is just an initial interview with her and she will then recommend if this is the avenue we should go or if we need to see someone that may specialize in ADD/ADHD. We want to try and explore all options before giving into any ind of labels. It could just be the stress and trauma of losing Brandon so suddenly that is causing the behavior issues. We will have to wait and see. Wesley and I have to have an appointment with the counselor to give initial information and then she will meet with just Aiden and then all three of us together to make the recommendations of whether or not to continue or move onto other plans. It is frustrating and stressful to not know what to do. Hopefully we are now in the right direction and we can get some answers.
Riley has his 18 month checkup next week and I am anxious to see if/how much he has grown! He is a peanut, and hopefully we can turn the car seat aorund! He hates being backwards still but I am going to keep him that way until I know it is safe enough to turn him. However, car rides are very painful to experience nowadays!
Calleigh is doing okay. She is doing school on Wednesdays and Fridays now and I am not sure if I like the two days being split apart. She was doing well when they were back to back and she was actually taking naps. I think it just may take some adjusting and getting used to for us to get it right!
I am hoping we get to take some kind of a trip this year. Maybe even just Wesley and I can get away...just for a few days....that would be nice.....I can dream can't I?

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