Friday, April 10, 2009


I am so excited and incrediby proud of my hubby! He is in school right now to obtain his Airframe and Powerplant Certificate. It will enable him to work on the engines and framework of planes. He has been working so hard and has sacrificed a lot of time and energy to do this for himself and us. Last year he competed in the statewide Skills USA competition at the secondary level and he won Gold. However, because it was technically a high school program (it was at Burlington Tech center and the new facility is not up and running yet) and he already had his high school diploma he could not go to nationals and compete in Kansas City. This year he competed at the Post secondary level and he did it again! He won the Gold! He was very very nervous and didn't think he had won it. This year he will get to compete at the national level in Kansas City. I am secretly hoping I can go with him. Not to watch him compete, because he says that makes him more nervous, but to get away and sleep and just relax and enjoy ourselves!
I just cannot put into words how proud of him I am. It as been a very long, hard and stressful two years and this was such a fantastic way for him to see his hard work paying off. He really is an amazing husband, father and person. I love you hun!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! Congratulations to him!! I hope you're able to go to Kansas City with him and enjoy some couple time :)
