Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Whining? Me? noooo....must be the toddler.

Okay, so this is going to probably be one of those whiney posts that I do a lot of complaining I urge you now.....stop reading if you are not in the mood!

My day did not start off well when I was awoken by a 19 month old screaming at the top of is lungs. It was almost a painful scream, and it lasted for almost an hour. This was after yet another night of no sleep and the same type of screaming when he was put to bed last night. He has been a very crazy today and goes from happy to cranky and then back again. Nothing seems to make him comfortable or very happy. I hope it is just the cold and teething and that we do not have to make another trip into the doctor's office to see them again!
I had also been having a lot of back pain yesterday and today as well as some constant bathroom trips so I figured I had better have it checked out. Turns out I have a UTI and a kidney infection. It is a lot more painful than one might think and makes it difficult to deal with a cranky toddler. I am also past the point of exhaustion. I am going on the third day of no sleep and I am a person that likes my sleep. My husband always tell me I must sleep more than the average Mom-I disagree. I get only about 6 hours of sleep a night, sometimes 7 or 8 if I am lucky. Just because he can go on 5 hours of sleep, does not mean we all can! (Sorry hun).
My house. Well let's just has seen better days. The couch is piled high with clean laundry (at least it's clean) and there are dishes in the sink from dinner last night. The floors could use a good hands and knees scrubbing and I am seriously considering shaving the dog. I can't stand the daily piles of dog hair I pick up. I know most of the problem is his winter coat is making it's disappearance, but enough already! I can't take it being all over the clothing, couches, and floors. I love you Jerry, I really do. I just hate your hair right now!
I am hoping that tonight brings some sleep and some help. Wesley still has to work late at his internship right now after school and he is planning on going to Home Depot to get planting supplies to start the garden stuff going. I hope he gets home before bedtime though because the kids have not seen him since Sunday night. Literally. He is gone before they get up and he gets home after they go to bed and are asleep. They miss him, so do I! I am proud of everything he is doing, he has been amazing and it must be equally as tough for him.
I think I have complained enough, I just needed to get it out and vent for a minute. If you didn't heed my advice and you read all the way throguh...thanks.


  1. Wow - that's a LOT to handle!! Trying to deal with children when you're in pain and exhausted is SO hard. I hope you are all feeling better soon. If you need some rest, you should drop the kids off after SS on Friday and I can watch them for a few hours while you get some sleep. ((Hugs))

  2. Thanks Jen! I am not in much pain today but I am truly exhausted. I think I am going to give in and call my mother in law to see if she can watch them this afternoon. Thanks for the offer!
