Sunday, March 29, 2009

Ear infections

So we just came back from yet another Doctor's appointment. Calleigh has yet another double ear infection. She just finished her meds from the last one at the beginning of this past week. Her tubes are officially out so here we go again. I feel awful that I had to give Calleigh and Riley my poor ear problems. I had to have the tubes surgery done 12 times. 6 in and 6 out. I hope it does not affect her hearing in the long run. I wish it was her doctor that was on call today but it wasn't. Poor Calleigh screamed the minute Dr. Long came in. She kept yelling "I don't want a shot". Referring to when she got her stitches and they had to give her a shot of Ketamine to knock her out. It hurt her quite a bit because she moved just as they were putting the needle into her leg. We will have to have the "do we or don't we" discussion as to whether or not we will do another round of tubes in her ears. It did make an improvement the last time, but she did still get ear infections off and on even with them in. We will have to wait and see what comes of it.

1 comment:

  1. Poor thing...what a tough decision as to if she should have the surgery or not. Good luck with your decision - I'm sure you'll make the right one!
