Monday, March 9, 2009

Riley's 18 month check up

Riley had his 18 month checkup the other day. He is doing well! He is finally on the growth chart! He weighs 22lbs and 4oz. He is just under 31 inches long. We are mostly excited because we are all comfortable enough turning his car seat around now. He is much happier. The thing that I have found challanging though is he has to sit in the middle back seat of the van! His car seat does not buckle well/safely enough with the seat belt. The belt pulls the car seat too far at an angle to be installed properly with the belt. So now I have to re-arrange the seats around and decide who should sit where to avoid arguements. I may end up buying Calleigh a new high back booster with harness and put Riley in Calleighs old seat because for some reason that one will install properly with the belt. She is ready for a new seat and she likes the cute hot pink flower one that is at Wal Mart. It is only $45. Riley did very well at his appointment. His language skills have grown exponentially over the past month! He talks a lot and is using more and more words every day. He was very upset with the nurse though because he got 4 shots that day! His poor legs were pretty sore that day. He only ran a slight fever too. His right tube is not in place. It is still in his ear though. His left tube is in place. There is a possibility of needing tubes a second time because he has had "chronic" ear infections still even with the tubes in. They define chronic as one every other month for an extended period...I think like six months. Riley has had 7 ear infections since his tube surgery 7 months ago. We are going to see if/how many more he gets.
Riley is growing so fast and it doesn't seem possible he will be 2 by the end of the summer.

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