Friday, May 22, 2009

Beautiful day and a boo boo

Yesterday was a beautiful day here, sunny and 88! We went to a playdate at a friends house in the morning. I had Riley and Calleigh with me while Aiden was at school. I forgot to switch out the single jogger with the double stroller so Calleigh walked most of the way to the park at the playdate. It is a mile one way so she got her exercise! She did great. We played at the park for a while in the sun and the kids had a lot of fun and then we headed back to our friend's house to play some more and have a snack. She has a beautiful house and yard and is always a great hostess. She had great yummy snacks for all of us. It was so nice to sit in the sun while the kids played and talk with other Moms. It was getting really close to naptime so we decided to leave.
That's when our wonderful time came to a screeching halt. Literally. Calleigh was standing on the curb while I put Riley in his side of the van. I checked and made sure she was clear and started to shut the van door. We don't have those automatic doors on our car so you really have to shut our doors hard to get them to shut all the way. Anyway. I started to shut the door and as I was turning and shutting it, Calleigh slipped off the curb and used the van to catch herself. Well it was too late for me to stop the door, no matter how hard I tried. Her pointer finger ended up shut into the door. I really mean shut in the door. It latched and was closed. Only for two seconds, if that, but it was enough that her finger has a pretty good cut and nasty bruise. Luckily we were only a minute away from her doctor's office. It was their half hour lunch break so the phone was going straight to the nurses voicemail. I knew they were in the office so we just drove over and they looked at her finger. She was of course screaming because it was in a lot of pain. They gave me the choice of going right over for Xrays or going home to get her to settle down first and then go over later if I felt like we needed to. I opted for going home because there was no way I could go to the hospital right then with both Riley and Calleigh since both were exhausted from our morning. I figured a little snuggling would be good to calm her down and Wes was going to come home so I could take just her for the Xrays. We got home and she cried off and on until 3:00 when we left for the hospital. They got us right in and out and luckily it was not broken. It is bruised pretty good and the cut is gross looking, but she is doing much much better today and seems to be using it more as well. She went to school this morning too, which made her happier.
So all in all it was a good day, with a few bumps in the road and Mommy got a little too much sun!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad she's doing better! I'm sure it was just on hard on mommy as it was on her :(
