Sunday, May 24, 2009

Plans for Monday

We got a lot done yesterday, including cleaning the entire downstairs and mowing/weed whacking the lawn. We are trying to get ready for our BBQ on Monday. Hopefully the weather holds out and it does not rain! It was supposed to rain yesterday and it has decided to rain this morning instead. We have some friends coming over to enjoy the day with us, and of course Mr. BBQ himself will have enough food for twice as many people that are here. He is smoking ham and a brisket. He has ribs, steaks and two roasting chickens. We will have potato salad, pasta salad, summer squash, asparagus and hopefully watermelon if I can ever get out to get one. I want to get the stuff for yummy smore's too! Wes also ordered a quarter keg of blackbeary wheat from the cafe (my favorite beer!). Not like we will drink it all....but we can try ;) We are both so badly in need of a let loose kind of day. What better way to do that than with friends and food! I am excited for the day and hope that the kids will cooperate as well. We bought some fun popper things for them to play and I am going to get more bubbles as well.
I also promise that I will be including more pictures in my posts, I finally found my camera! For those of you that have not seen Riley in a while....I will warn you, he got a haircut and looks so different!

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