Friday, May 29, 2009

Here piggy piggy....

Okay, so we acquired two new members of the family today. Not so sure I should call them family members....maybe more family sustanance. If you are opposed to any kind of animal slaughtering, then I would encourage you not to read on (not that it is gross or that there are pictures of slaughtered animals...but that is what these cutesy little piglets shown will eventually have as their fate.) Anyway, I have been opposed from day one of getting these piglets. I do think in the long run it is more econmically sound to buy them this way, feed them, raise them and then have them slaughtered for the meat (which does taste so much better!). However, we in no way have time for them. Our schedules are so hectic and entwined that we barely have time for the chickens and the massive 4500 square feet of garden space. I love my husband and I know he thinks this is the right decision for our family and I too in time will probably come around.....however right now I am not too happy with this purchase. It also did not start well that the man was supposed to drop them off between 2 and 3 this afternoon. He did not show. We had our normal Friday night plans to go to the cafe for dinner and then to get some essentials (paper towels, TP, etc.) at Wal Mart. They still had not gotten here by the time we left at 5. I get to the cafe and my husband was on the phone with them and they said they would be here in an hour with them. We quickly finished dinner, because somehow this all fell onto my shoulders. I got home at 6 and waited for 30 minutes (30 minutes past when they said they would be here). I had to get to the store at this point or it was going to be a disasterous trip at the store because the kids would be grumpy and tired! I left a note with a check and told him where to put the pigs. I got home at 8:20 and they still had not been here! I got a call from them a few minutes after I walked in the door, they had just driven past our house. So I gave them directions back to our house and 20 minutes later they showed up (almost 6 hours later than they were originally supposed to be here). The kids were of course still awake and refusing to go to bed. It is now 9:40 and they are still upstairs trying to argue with me about going out to see the pigs.

Okay, I think I am officially done with my rant now and sorry if you actually read the entire thing. I just needed to get it out. if you did read, Thanks! I leave you now with a few pics of our new little friends.

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