Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ready for summer

Ready for summer is an understatement. School is winding down for both Wes and Aiden and we are all very excited. It has been difficult trying to plan for the big changes that are heading our way, but they will be for the better. Wesley only has four weeks left of school and then he leaves for Kansas City for a week. He is still very very nervous about his trip. He will do great no matter where he places, last or first! Just to be able to go is a great experience for him. We are very nervous about the thought of leaving the cafe, no matter how needed it is. He has been working there for the last ten+ years and it is his extended family in so many ways. It will be nice for him to be home though. Aiden is looking forward to the summer and soccer camp (which starts the week after school gets out). I am also looking forward to not having that morning rush. Yes we will still be up and around, but we can take our time most mornings and just enjoy the day.
I am hoping to continue to do Stroller Strides this summer. It has been a life saver. It gets me out of the house, gets me interacting with other moms and most importantly it gets me moving! I am just not sure how I am going to work it with all three being home most days. Or even on the days when Calleigh goes to school I still have Aiden and he is too big for the stroller. I think we will be okay though. Lindsey will be taking some time off once her little one arrives and there will be a break there. I will still get out of the house and take walks and continue to stay active, but I won't have to worry about getting everyone contained! I am still on my weight loss goal and I only have until my birthday to get to my goal. We will see how close I get.
I am hoping to get more pictures on here soon, but I cannot seem to find my camera to get them!

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