Thursday, June 4, 2009


We were in the car tonight and Aiden asked me where Africa was. I thought for a moment and asked him where he thought Africa was. This was his response:
"Well Mommy, the big kids at school had a dessemmbley (assembly) at school today and it was all about Africa. They sang some songs and did a dance. I think Africa is below Florida, you know like down in the ocean (he did this funny little hand motion to get his point across). It would take us 4 days to drive there and we would have to stay in a hotel for four nights. Wouldn't that be fun. We could drive in our car and listen to the Africa music?". I thought this was pretty reasonable so I asked him if he wanted to go to Africa. He said "Well of course Mommy, why do you think I told you about it. We should go the day after school gets out, so we can leave in 7 days.".
The simple things that kids think about. If it could only be as easy as a 4 day *drive* to Africa!

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