Monday, June 22, 2009

Kansas City...Here he comes!

Wesley left for the National Skills USA competition in Kansas City this morning! I have been very nervous about this upcoming trip, I don't really know why. I think just because I will miss having my support system here at night. I am used to doing the stay at home mommy thing by myself during the day because we have not had enough of a break between the end of school and this trip to get used to having Wes home any more than he was previously. Anyway. We had a nice night together last night, but then we had to wake everyone up at 6 this morning to get ready to go to breakfast before the airport. We were meeting the Moultroups at the cafe to eat. Luke Moultroup is the high school level competitor going to Kansas City, he just happens to be from Richmond as well (good ol' Richmond boys!). So we met them down there and we ate a nice big breakfast before heading to the airport. We got to the airport and met with the head of the aviation department for the tech center, affectionatly called Mr. S. He is such a nice man! Wes started to check in and the kids were getting antsy, I think realizing that Daddy was actually leaving! (Did you know you have to pay $15/bag for luggage now!! What the hell's that for?!?! We haven't flown in almost 4 years so it was a surprise to us!). I decided that we were going to leave Daddy with the rest of the group and not go over to the securty check in/gate with him. That is when it all went downhill. Aiden was crying, Calleigh was crying and Riley would NOT let go of Daddy!! I gave my husband a very quick kiss and picked up my screaming kids and walked the long walk to the parking garage and our car. Everyone thought it was so sweet how much they were going to miss their Daddy. I on the other hand was thinking what a horrible way it was to start off our week together. It brought me to tears, of course I waited until the kids were buckled in their seats and we were on the road so they couldn't see that I too was upset, did not get to really say goodbye to my husband and that I didn't want to leave Wesley.
We have never been away from each other or the kids for more than one night at a time. Sad to say, but we have never had the time, money or resources to go very far. The only time they were away from us for too long was when my brother passed away and they stayed at Tom and Sue's house for a while. But, they were still not too far away and we did see them during the day. Aiden was 18 months old when Wes and I got married and we did not get to go on a honeymoon either. The more I write it and say it, the more pathetic it sounds! I am hoping that Wes and I can have a getaway at the end of the summer for our anniversary.
I am missing Wesley so much and it is only day one of a very long week! At least we have a lot planned for the week and lots of appointments here and there. Aiden has SAMBA soccer camp all week from 9-12 each day. Calleigh has school Wednesday and Friday. We have Riley's ENT appointment to discuss his tubes and his hearing and see how things are going and decide if another round of tubes are necessary. Calleigh is also going to have a hearing test this week. Hopefully on Thursday. Every time we have tried to get the test done, she has fluid in her ears so the test won't be very accurate. We have fun stuff planned but I am also planning on surprising Wesley and having the pigs and chickens "re-homed" into the back corner of our property with new houses! I am hoping to get a stone grill built as well, but that may not happen! I guess I am just trying to focus on staying busy until Wesley gets home!

1 comment:

  1. What a tough day!! I hope this week flies by quickly. If you need a break, let me know!
