Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rough days/nights

My poor little Riley man. There is nothing worse than hearing a cry of sheer pain and hurt and not being able to do anything about it. Riley woke up very early on Thursday morning, 2am to be precise and was screaming at the top of his lungs. Nothing could console him, nothing. he went on that way for about an hour until exhaustion took over and he basically passed out. He was up off and on for the rest of the night. This was on top of Calleigh throwing up every forty minutes from 9 the night before and my husband was not feeling well and was sweaty with chills and massive headache passed out in the bed. Calleigh was much better by the morning, she had gotten it out of her system and was very tired but okay. Riley on the other hand was not. I took him to the doctor Thursday morning and they said Riley had an ear infection and Calleigh had a virus. So we filled (yet another) perscription for Amoxicillin, after the pharmacy had to call the doctor's office because the Dr. accidentally wrote the script to Calleigh instead of Riley. Riley was just miserable all night Thursday night and did not sleep well again. I expected it because the meds did not have the full affect yet. We got up Friday morning and got the older kiddos off to school and Riley and I just relaxed for most of the day. He would not let me move at all. I couldn't stand up or even move my arm from where it was. He took a very short nap Friday afternoon and when I went upstairs to get him he was burning hot! I took his temp and it was 105.2! I was so worried. I immediatly gave him motrin and called the Doctor. I know they are not usually concerned with fevers, but this was high considering he had two doses of the antibiotic in him. They told me to just wait it out, give him a lukewarm bath to try and get him comfortable and to keep him drinking lots of fluids. So we did the bath, but he cried for two hours straight. My Mom came and took the older two to Walmart to get them out of the house and try to help me focus on Riley more. The fever only went down to 101, but that was better than what it was. So he finally calmed down after more Motrin took affect. I was finally able to get everyone into bed and sit by myself for a few moments. It did not last long (about 10pm Friday night) before Riley was up and very very cranky. He cried for yet another hour or so before again basically passing out! We had yet another very very bumpy high fever night and lots of crying (even some on my part). We went back to the Dr. this morning and she said his ears were not too bad and that it must be something else. So she gave him a very thorough look over and said she thinks he has an enterovirus. This is the same virus that causes viral meningitis. He does not have that, he just has the virus that causes that, but he did have it when he was seven weeks old so I was familiar with the symptoms. We talked about it and she said she thinks the screaming and crying is because this virus gives you pretty bad headaches and he has a sore throat. It was red with lots of mucus drainage. She said he was going to miserable but that advil or tylenol should help. If he did not calm down about an hour after the advil then they needed to see him again. They are going to call tomorrow anyway just to check up on him. As I am reading this it seems kind of complicated and mish moshed, but it has been a very crazy sleepless few days. It is so heartbreaking as a Mom to hear those cries of pain and not be able to take it away or do anything about it. If I could take away his pain and make it my own I would do it in a heartbeat. To see him look at me so helpless and want to be held and consoled but then again nothing makes it better anyway....just tears me to pieces. I am hoping that this passes quickly and I have my bouncing, lovey little boy back.

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