Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ideas on a budget?

I am trying to come up with some ideas for my huby. I know my "reflection' post kind of pinned him as a bad guy and not so understanding. He does have a hard time understanding what it is like day in and day out, but I love that he works so hard to make our life what it is and hopefully better. He goes days without actually seeing the kids sometimes because he is gone before they wake up and they are in bed before he gets home. He gets to see them during the week sometimes but it is for maybe an hour or so. I hope that he does realize how much we miss him and I am trying to think of ways to show him how much we appreciate him. Wesley will be leaving for a week at the end of June for the National Skills USA competition. He is very nervous and stressed about it. He is also stressed because he finishes school on June 17th and he is hoping to finish up his testing for his certification on the 18th. It is an all day test and pretty difficult. Then that Friday he has to work from 5am to 11pm. Then Saturday he works from 5am until 3 in the afternoon. Then Father's Day is one of the Cafe's busiest days of the year so he will be very tired and busy that day. Then he leaves for Kansas City at 9:30 on Monday morning. He has never been away from Aiden and I for more than two nights and from the other two for more than one night. (sad I know). Anyway, my point is that while he is gone I want to do something for him that he will be so surprised and relieved that he doesn't have to do it or that it is something he has wanted.
My thoughts:
getting a new chicken coop built and in place so the chickens won't actually get out of it!
Building the stone grill he has always wanted
renovating the bathroom upstairs
They all would require some kind of cost and some kind of help. I am hoping his best friend Gabe will be able to help out some and I am also hoping my aunt can help, but we will see! I am also planning on having the kids do special projects for the day he comes home. It will be nice for Daddy to have a break, even if it is for a stressful competition. He still gets to do fun stuff while he is there.
We will miss him though and I am already dreading having an empty bed next to me (although I am sure kids will be filling the sapce at some point or another)


  1. For something from you and the kids, I was sent this really neat idea for creating a digital scrapbook and then they construct it and send it to you. Let me know if you would like the site, it looks really neat and I know I don't have the creativity or time to make scrapbook these days!

  2. Ooh - I like Lindsey's idea! And tough choice on what to do for him. What would you use the most? My first thought was the bathroom, but I think that's only because Matt and I are dying to renovate ours. But a stone grill sounds awesome - every guy's dream! I would be happy to help out - either by painting, etc. or even by watching the kids so you can do the project.

    It's so sweet you're doing this - your husband sounds like an awesome guy!!

  3. Thanks guys! Jen-Thanks for the offer to help, even with your own hands full you are so sweet!
    Linds-I checked out the site and like the idea, we just may do a different kind of version! Once I have some stuff done I will try to post pictures. We are going to do a mini 3x5 picture book for daddy to take with him so we are starting that now and then we are doing a journal for when he is gone, basically another mini scrapbook! I have also decided to do (or attempt) the stone grill and moving the chickens to a new spot in the yard. It will be a busy week, but I am looking forward to seeing his reaction! Thanksfully he does not read my blog (at least I don't think so!).
