Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The solo week!

Well, the week has not been as bad as I thought it would be. The kids are definitely missing Daddy. I get asked as soon as we wake up if it is time to go get Daddy, they ask me all day long if we can call Daddy and they ask me when we are going to the airport to pick him up. They miss him very much but we are keeping pretty busy to get through the days. It is already Wednesday and he gets home Saturday night! It also does not help that Daddy's car is in the driveway. They must forget (daily) that we drove him to the airport. When they see the car in the driveway they think that he is home. When we come around the corner and they see his car, they all yell "Daddy!" Then I have to remind them that Daddy is not home, his car is just there.
I have had a hard time sleeping without Wesley home. We never lock our house doors (terrible I know) and I have the house locked up like Fort Knox while he is not here and I toss and turn all night. I also really hate not being able to carry on a conversation with him. His cell phone only works if he has it on speaker phone, and even then I can barely hear anything he is saying but on his end it is very loud (almost embarrassing). So our conversations have been very short and to the point! He can't even use the hotel room phones, they de-activated them because each state/chapter gets charged $3.00/minute!! I know he is having a great time out here. It is very very hot though!! Yesterday it got to 106. Wesley is not a heat kind of person. He wears shorts in the winter.
I was able to watch a little bit of the Opening ceremonies online last night and I am planning on watching the Awards ceremony on Friday night. You can go to the Skills USA website to watch it as it happens! I am hoping to hear Wesley's name announced as GOLD! He starts competeing tomorrow morning and then into Friday before the Awards Ceremony. He will get a nice morning of relaxing and getting his stuff together before he leaves for home at 1:30 cst Saturday afternoon!
I am dealing with the week okay, but ready for him to be home. Riley had an Ear, Nose and Throat appointment yesterday morning. He has had several more recurring ear infections this year so they have decided to do another round of tubes in his ears as well as take his adenoids out. I always thought your adenoids were over your sinuses, but I guess they lay right on top of the opening of the Eustachian tube, so they think that his adenoids are keeping his Eustachian tube closed and that is why the fluid cannot drain. I hope that this is all we have to do and then he will be clear of all this mess and be a happy, healthy little boy again! He will be in pain/discomfort for about 2 days after the surgery but should be back to normal by the third day. Surgery is scheduled for 8 in the morning of July 20th. We have to be at the hospital by 6:30ish AM. I figured morning was better because he cannot eat anything 12 hours before the surgery and can only have clear liquids up to 4 hours before the surgery. There is no way he would last past 8 in the morning without eating actual food, especially with two other kids in the house that still need to eat!
We have a very busy summer ahead and it is going to go by so quickly! We just plan on enjoying every minute of it that we possibly can!

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