Friday, January 23, 2009

Busy Times

Busy times right now. We have been having furnace problems and it has been difficult trying to keep the house warm, but hopeully-crossing my fingers, knees and toes-that today will be that last day it is fixed! We thought we had it fixed three times already, but each time it only works for about 4 hours and then goes again. We have been on the sickness front again. Aiden had the cough, runny nose for about a day. He stayed home Tuesday and was supposed to rest, but he was feeling fine by 10:30, so he went to school Wednesday! Now poor Calleigh has it and she has a pretty bad cough. We went today to the doctor and she has a double ear infection and a chest infection. So now we are on an antibiotic for both Riley and Calleigh. Riley will be done with his tomorrow though.

I am a little bummed though. We were going to go to Echo this morning after Stroller Strides with everyone, but we decided to hold off and then she had her appt anyway. I am thinking we will go on Sunday though. We have not been in quite a while so it would have been nice to make it. We are going to buy a pass so we can go more often. I am trying to find more things to get out to right now because we are definitely feeling the cabin fever right now, especially with the illnesses being passed around.

We went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner tonight with the Mother and sister in law! I have been wanting to go and check it out. It was really good. The salad was very good and Calleigh of course loved the rolls with Cinnamon Butter! Riley was a big fan of the cheesecake and strawberries! Aiden had a long day at school and was a little quiet tonight, that is until he was told he could not spend the night at Nama's house. Calleigh was also loving the music and the line dancing they do in the aisle. She stood up and danced along. They also did a Happy Birthday YEE HAW to two people while we were there and Calleigh LOVED it! I could see her working there if she was old enough. She had a blast! You would never know she was sick by the way she was acting tonight.

Side note-We finally have heat that works! Unfortunatly we had to spend the $400 to buy a new motor. yay.

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