Friday, January 16, 2009

I remember....

I remember the first day that I held each one of my children.
I remember being scared with Aiden because I did not know what to do. It was all so new. I wondered what I would do when he would not stop crying, or if he wouldn't sleep. Now I wish for those days back as I watch him grow and become such a vibrant, imaginative child.
I remember with Calleigh I was worried that I could never love her as much as I loved Aiden. I worried I would never have enough love, patience and time to go around to both of them. I was so wrong. I loved them both so much and my love grew even more for Aiden when I saw him playing with her or gently rubbing her head to calm her down. I loved watching them together, interacting and just knowing that they loved each other.
I remember with Riley that I wasn't worried about my love, I had proven myself wrong when Calleigh came along and knew my love would only grow as time moved on. I was worried how Aiden and Calleigh would react. They had such a strong bond between the two of them that I was worried more about their love. Would they have enough to go around. Once again, I was proven wrong. Watching the three of them bond and grow together has been the most amazing experience. Yes, there are fights and arguements (both among them and with me). And yes, there is hitting and pushing. But overall I know that they love each other and they are so protective of each other. I know that bond. It is a sibling bond that no matter what you go through or where you are, you would drop anything and everything if you knew a brother or sister needed you; whether they said it out loud or not.
My hope is that the bond grows stronger with them and that they don't let the craziness of life get int the way. I know there will continue to be fights and they will pick on each other and maybe even be mean at times. I just hope that they too will continue to experience the love that they share now.

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