Wednesday, January 14, 2009

sorry, but another rant!

okay, so my son loves to ride the bus to and from school. We live only three minutes by car to the school and most days I could drive him because I leave for Stroller Strides anyway. However, you would think that riding the bus was the world's way of rewarding Aiden and that there is no other way to get to and from school. It is the middle of winter and cold would be an understatement for the weather outside right now. His bus is supposed to be at our house by 7:40 and school starts at 7:50. Monday we waited and waited out there until 7:55 and as we were walking back in the house the bus goes flying by without so much as a brake light twinkling in the dust. Tuesday we waited out there for 10 minutes and then I went in to get the phone and call the school. They in turn gave me the number to the bus garage at the hich school. I called and was told he was right around the corner and should be there any second (it was already 7:55 at this point). The bus finally showed up at 8. Today I am waiting and waiting and waiting and the bus never showed up, but today I had to leave the house by 8 to get Calleigh to her preschool so I could get to Stroller Strides on time. I drive Aiden to school and get Calleigh to school and am running 15 minutes late. I someohow made it to the UMall on time (whoops). I called the bus garage and the woman tells me they are on Plan B with Aiden's bus route. She says this like I am going to understand what she means. So after a few seconds of pause I ask her what that means. "Well we are short on drivers so other drivers have to finish their routes and then start that one. So it should be late for a few days". I then informed her it had already been a few days and I am wondering if it is going to continue because he loves riding the bus, but I don't want him standing outside for 20 minutes thinking it will be there on time and it is -5 degrees outside! "I expect it to be at least 10-20 minutes late for ther rest of this week and all of next week"..............well that's just a little more than a few days wouldn't you say? It would have been nice of them to at least notify me ahead of time that this was going to be happening. They have all of the information of who rides what bus. Even a letter in the mail or a phone call would be nice to let me know what to expect so I am not getting angrier, even though I already am. School starts at 7:50, so he has been late everyday this week and from the sounds of things will be unless I bring him. However, when I bring him it ruins the mood of the day because we end up arguing about it and he gets mad and yells such pleasures as "I hate you" and "you don't love me". So I guess I have to choose the lesser of two evils. Still not sure which one that would be!
We also went back into the doctor today for Riley's ears. He is on a stronger medicine to see if this will work and get rid of the ear infection. His tube in his right ear is also turned sideways. He thinks. Once he can see it better when all of the nasty drainage gunk clears out of the way we will see if it really is.
I also found a size 5 boot for cheap at Once Upon a Child! I am excited because now he can get down and actually walk around and play without me worrying....that is if the weather ever warms up! I do not like being stuck inside, kind of depressing.
Calleigh had school today and it was good to get that break. I love her dearly and love spending every minute possible with her, but a break is good for both of us every now and then! This is also Riley's Mommy and me day. We get to spend our time together and do our fun stuff like the older two get to do.
Now that I have ranted and I am freezing from getting Aiden off the bus I am going to fold laundry and get dinner going!

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