Monday, January 26, 2009

Well, my new computer is broken, at least the plug is broken. So I am using the very slow old laptop that sometimes just shuts off randomly and is very hard to use!
We had a rough weekend. My youngest brother that passed away in the car accident a year ago had a chihuahua named Paco. He was a mean dog to most, but he and Brandon were the best of friends and they did everything together. Paco died Saturday night. It was very hard because it was a piece of Brandon we thought we would be able to hold onto for a while. I guess he just couldn't take it anymore without B and now they are together wherever they are.
Calleigh is doing better. She had a double ear infection and a chest infection. However, even that did not slow her down! She is a fiesty one. Riley's ear infection is gone now, but he has a little bit of fluid left in his ear, so we may end up back in the doctor by the end of the week. I am keeping my fingers crossed for that and that we don't get the nasty stomach bug that is going around and has hit many of our friends in full force!
Hopefully I get to get back on and write some more later. I want to write a lot right now, but I have to go wake my children up (crazy I know!). It is almost 5 though and I will pay if they sleep much longer.

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