Tuesday, January 27, 2009

yeah...I am THAT Mom.

Okay, so I am THAT kind of Mom.
My laundry pile sometimes reaches my shoulder's.
My breakfast dishes are generally in my sink until way into the afternoon.
My dinner dishes are there until after bedtime.
My toy pile is almost as high as my laundry pile.
The craft drawer bursts onto the counters and floors.
My junk drawer does the same.
I eat junk food to make it through the day.
I sometimes feed junk food too-rarely, but hey...it happens.
Caffeine is my drug of choice.
I threaten and have a hard time following through.
I have a mean Mommy look.
We have several DVD's that have been worn to the labels.
Nap time is sit time....yes chores should be done, but sanity is nice too.
I may be THAT kind of Mom, but I am also THIS kind of Mom.
I know how much that shredded blankie means and would drive to the ends of the earth if we forgot it.
The single tear can mean the same as streams down the cheeks.
Even though you can't see that BooBoo, the scream still means hurt pride.
Nothing makes it better than a hug and a kiss.
I make a mean Hot chocolate on a cold snow day.
Eskimo kisses are fabulous.
I could recite Brown Bear Brown Bear by heart, and have done so through many vaccinations and vomiting episodes.
Snuggling is my favorite past time.
We have several DVD's that have been worn to the labels....I know a repeat, but a loved thing can fit both lists.
Rolling on the floor is my kind of exercise.
So isn't throwing a giggler into the air.
Giggling makes great exercise too.
Secrets are great...especially when the entire room can hear them!
Family is truly what makes the world go round.
You can also add the Toy pile, the messy faces, and marker moustaches to the mix.

No my house is not always clean and my sanity is not always in tact. However, my kids go to bed at night with smiles on their faces and love in their hearts. More importantly, their love is in my heart. Being a Mom rocks.

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