Monday, January 12, 2009

what else can she throw at me?

ugh. I love my little girl. She is one of the 4 most important things in my life (hubby and kids). However, I do not know if I am going to have hair by the time she is grown and out of the house. On top of the hair cutting and marker incidents, I have survived the climbing on the outside of the staircase and the bolting down the aisle at Walmart.....well, today she broke her bed! I don't even know how she did it or what she did! I was downstairs cleaning the kitchen. I had vowed to take a nap while they were sleeping, but so much for that. Yes, she was actually sleeping, I had just checked on her about 5 minutes beforehand. Well, I am in the middle of loading the dishwasher and I hear Calleigh's table moving (she has a small table in her room to play on. I immediatly closed the dishwasher and started my way up the stairs. That's when I heard a huge thump. then all was quiet! I immediatly panicked because I thought maybe it was not her table and she had knocked something else over. I hear her start to cry and open her bedroom door only to see her metal framed toddler bed snapped right in half. She had pulled the table over by the bed, climbed right up and jumped onto the bed. She knew I was mad and just looked up at me and said...I can sleep on the floor mommy and shrugged her shoulders. I just walked away. How frustrating.
I am also coming down with this stupid cold and I have tried so hard to push it out of my mind and hope that was enough to keep it away. My head feels like it is going to explode! Riley's cold is doing much better, but I am not sure about his ear infection. He still has nasty drainage and it seems to have changed color. it is actually pretty gross. He is behaving like his old self though. I have a call into the doctor to see if we can squeeze into the office today. I just hope nobody else get it (other than me).
I just realized what time it is and I have a child to get off the bus!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!! I'm telling you - having kids is going to give us gray hairs early! LOL!!

    ps. I'm glad you started a blog! If you ever have any questions about the blog, just e-mail me :)
