Monday, January 19, 2009

Red Sox Nation

Today after Stroller Strides, we went to see the Red Sox trophy and Wally the Green Monster. I was a little surprised that the line wrapped from the seating area by The Children's Place (where the trophy was) all the way to the food court! It was crazy, but in a good way. The kids were a little antsy standing in line, but thankfully Christina, AJ, Lindsey and Maddi were there with us. The box of munchkins from Dunkin Donuts helped a little until it became a battle because they wanted more. We got to see Wally the monster and the kids did great!

Riley got to give him a high five. Calleigh liked him from a distance. She got close a few times but you could tell she was hesitant. Aiden just sat there and then finally got out and there were other people that had Red Sox shirts on and Wally was signing their shirts. Well of course, Aiden wanted Wally to sign his shirt. However, he did not have a Red Sox shirt on so we compromised and he signed his blanket he managed to drag along with him. It was a lot of fun. The drive home was not so much fun because Aiden normally eats lunch around 10:45 at school but we eat much later than that at home. He was hungry even though he had just eaten donuts. We made it home an devoured chicken, goldfish and cheese.

I am happy that I managed to get everyone to take a nap! We will be out past bedtimes at my sister's apartment having cake for her 20th birthday. I can't believe she is 20 already. Seems like yesterday she was screaming and laughing at knee height! I have watched her grow up and it has been a crazy crazy ride and we did not always get along, but now we are so close. I am just not looking forward to all of us cramming into her apartment to have cake tonight! She was insistent that she wanted it at her place. Her first true apartment. I remember those days of being crammed into a space that is 1/4 of the size we are in now and I wonder how I ever did it! I think most of the time I was never home or having too much fun to care.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun!! I'm so jealous!

    ps. I love your new background :)
