Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day!

Snow Day! I was wondering where all the snow was when I woke up this morning. I even came downstairs and checked the phone to see if the school system had called with their automated system to say school was cancelled. That phone call came at 9:30 to say they were closing the school early. I had also brought Calleigh to school this morning so I packed Riley in the car and went to get her and stock up on milk before Aiden made his way home. Well, it was already slippery in the driveway from the cold temperatures and snow build up previously. I managed to get Riley into the car on his side and then went around to my side of the car. That was the point I met the ground. It wasn't a pleasent meeting and I don't think I want to meet it again! It was a bit painful and my back is sore, but I am still moving so I will be fine!
I think we will try to make hot chocolate later and play Ker Plunk-our new favorite game of choice at the moment. I remember playing that game (many) years ago! It seems weird that my kids are now playing it. We go back and forth between Ker Plunk and a game we found called ducks in a row-I think that is the name, or maybe just what we ended up calling it. Kind of a cross between tic tac toe and Connect four. Aiden loves it and Calleigh even likes counting the ducks and "playing".
I have tried remembering my camera more often. I want to be able to put more pictures up and share more of our lives with everyone. I hope to get more pictures on soon!

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