Tuesday, January 13, 2009

what a day...again! Calleigh has been up since about 2 this morning. She was wide awake like it was the middle of the afternoon. She is not complaining of anything bothering her, so I don't know what could be going on! Riley actaully slept and he does have less drainage today than he did yesterday, so I think we are on our way out of this latest cold.
On the other hand, I think I am getting it. yay.
I have so much stuff I should be doing right now, but my body just won't move. I worked out for about a half an hour, but my head was pounding so much that I had to stop. I have 4 hours Thursday morning to get everything done cleaning wise from top to bottom! I am hoping to get lunch in all by myself.
Well, ever since Calleigh has broken her bed we are on the search for a twin size mattress. My mom has a really cute wooden twin frame, but no mattress to go with it. We had planned on getting Calleigh into a twin bed for a while now, but every penny is strapped with Daddy in school and working two jobs. Now, we don't have a choice!

I am happy to have a plan for next Thursday. I have not been able to make it out of the house and get to playgroups/meetups or just about anywhere else. Tricia is coming down from Canada next Thursday and we are going to a Mom's Matinee and lunch. I can't wait! It will be nice to see her and the new little baby. Christina is such a cutie and gives me my baby fix for a while.

I am now off to sit with a cup of hot chocolate and maybe even read my book I have not been able to get to for a few nights.

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