Monday, January 12, 2009

New ventures

I am so excited to be starting my own blog. I have so much to say and/or talk about that happens within our little lovable family and this seems like such a perfect way to communicate with everyone the daily happenings! So welcome to our blog!

Each day I sit here sometimes and wonder if I will make it through the day? I sometimes wonder if I will make it through the hour! Then I watch as my children grow and become more involved with each other and the fighting gets less and less. I am sure it will get worse again at some point! I remember what it was like in our family with four. I am looking forward to the day when I can tke a shower without worrying who is cutting whos hair and what part of their body is being drawn on with permanent marker.

I tried so hard not to laugh the other day when Calleigh came downstairs with her hair suspiciously shorter on one side than it was on the other. Aiden looked so proud of himself and what he had accomnplished....he thought her hair looked great! When asked what had happened and why her hair was that way, the five year old immediatly responds with "Well she asked me to cut her hair". Of course she did. She is three, why wouldn't it be fabulous if her brother cut her hair, Nama does it. I secretly love those moments because those are the times I will always remember and the embarrassing stories I get to tell them down the road.

I have to cut this time short, I am just so excited to be able to blog.

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